The Meaning Of COCAD

The word COCAD has a significant meaning in Creole. It means ribbon, as we intertwine the colors in the shape of a heart, we feel that giving from the heart is what the organization is all about. Giving independence and hope to the less fortunate is the greatest gift a human being can bestow on another.


The story of COCAD is a love story deeply anchored in the great commission given by Jesus Christ.

The story of COCAD is a love story deeply anchored in the great commission given by Jesus Christ. It was out of concern for the needy that Jesus told His disciples, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” COCAD’s mission of alleviating fellow citizen’s suffering stems from this message. That’s the reason why COCAD draws its micro-enterprise model from what is internationally known as the Grameen Bank.

We firmly believe in the approach of the old quote by Lao Tzu – “Give a Man a Fish, Feed Him For a Day. Teach a Man to Fish, Feed Him For a Lifetime”. COCAD’s chief purpose is to help disadvantaged Haitian women build assets to improve their standard of living.

Therefore, COCAD makes small loans to those women struggling to overcome poverty. Among its clients are street sellers (“ti machann lari”) operating in parts of Northern Haiti. COCAD is a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible.

Our Mission

The mission of the Christian Coalition for Action and Development, Inc. is “to be a welcoming and nurturing organization committed to helping people grow, empowering the disadvantaged Haitian women through self-help projects and employment opportunities allowing them to become a real force for change in their communities.”

Our Vision

The mission of the Christian Coalition for Action and Development, Inc. is ‘’to be the best network of assistance to help the disadvantaged Haitian women help themselves through projects and programs of their own priorities, contributing so, to eliminate hunger and poverty in their communities.



COCAD is administered entirely by volunteers who receive no remuneration for their services. More than 90% of the contributions received go directly into our projects with only less than 10% to its administration. Our Board of Directors bring years of experience and caring to our organization.

Founder's Story

After the overthrow of the Duvalier regime in 1986, awareness arose among Haitians in general about moving their country forward politically and economically. Almost everyone felt or expressed in some measure the call to action J. F. Kennedy had so poignantly stated in his inaugural address in 1961, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. ”With that in mind, Mr. Budry R. Daniel, the founder of COCAD, was seeking ideas within his limited capabilities, which he could implement to actively participate in the development of Haiti. He was animated by a profound desire to focus on the poorest of the poor. The words of Jesus kept on resonating in his heart: “Give them something to eat yourselves.” (Matthew 14:16) He shared his burden with some friends.

His research led him to conclude that a lot of money was given to the poor in Haiti, which encouraged a culture of continuous dependency. The needy had developed a “give me” attitude which often discouraged the most willing donors. The Haitian people’s path to independence had not changed and giving was like pouring into a bottomless pit. Budry pondered how one could help in a practical way. He came across a model that was used in Bangladesh. There, Muhammad Yunus, author of Banker to the Poor, started what has become a success story, the Grameen Bank. Subsequently in 1993, Budry and a small group of like-minded Haitian and American Christians founded COCAD out of their concern for the poorest of the poor.

Board of Directors


Mrs. Josette Menard

Vice Chairman

Mrs. Prisce Daniel


Antomice Augustin


Mrs. Martine Pelissier


Mrs. Nadine Muzac


Mrs. Nadine E. Lamarque


Mrs. Prisce S. Daniel


Ms. Shirley Menard Esq.


Mr. Harold Calixte


Dr. Nancy A. Calixte

Administrative Team

Executive Director

Mr. Jeanmarie Alexis

Financial Controller

Agr. Frantz Jean

General Coordinator

Mr. Buty Damus

Northeastern Haiti Projects Director

Rev. Rosales Célicourt

Northern Haiti Coordinator

Mr. Vilmar Pierre

Regional Projects Director

Mr. Luc Jean

La Romana DR Coordinator

Mrs. Elza Phanor

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Contact Us
Christian Coalition for Action and Development
P. O. Box 217
Estero, FL 33929-0217
Phone: (239) 676-4883