Positively affecting lives one person at a time.

COCAD’s mission is driven by the fundamental belief that there is always a pathway to a better life in Haiti despite the numerous challenges that exist. To accomplish our mission, we implement an integrated model for development that has been proven to reduce poverty by working with community leaders in rural areas to ensure results.

Mrs. Odette Bellerive

Attending a COCAD meeting in Northern Haiti was Mrs. Odette Bellerive, a very well dressed lady who seemed out of place among the other members. (of COCAD.)  We could not justify her presence at a meeting for poverty-stricken women.  When it came her turn to speak, she gave a testimony of how COCAD had transformed her life.  She told us how poor she was when she joined the local organization. After receiving the loan from COCAD, she put herself to work  at her business which gradually grew and expanded. She has gone from a tray of goods to sell, to owning a shop. We give glory to God for success stories such as this one.

Mrs. Melina Dorce

Mrs. Melina Dorce reported that things were tough for her not only financially but also in her family life.  They were living in abject poverty.  Sometimes, they would go a whole day without food, save for a piece of bread.  She could not find work even as a domestic servant.  She had to rely totally on the meager income of her husband (a peasant like her) who was himself an occasional worker.  She could not afford to send her children to school.  Her husband used to abuse her verbally and physically as a “good for nothing”. The pressure of their financial situation put him in a constant bad mood.  On the advice of a friend she joined COCAD and obtained her first loan.  She started her small business and with the help of God she prospered.  Shortly after, her financial situation improved.  She provided food for her family as well as  school fees, uniforms and textbooks for her children.  With pride she stood at one of our meetings to report how her husband respects her now for her contribution to the family pot;  and that thanks to COCAD, she had regained her dignity.  After being in business for a year, she shared her blessing by helping the child of a friend go to school. The ripples of change in her life expanded out to others.

Ms. Erzulia Milien

Ms Erzulia Milien had no hope of a brighter tomorrow. In desperation she joined COCAD.  With her loan, she bought four turkeys and some turkey feed.  The turkeys started to lay eggs and soon after she had a flock.  At the appropriate time, she sold them at the market place.  The revenue helped her to do business on a larger scale.  She pointed out that her first turkey was taken to church and offered to God in thanksgiving for opening to her this avenue for a better tomorrow.

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Christian Coalition for Action and Development
P. O. Box 217
Estero, FL 33929-0217
Phone: (239) 676-4883
Email: info@cocad-haiti.org